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What is the price of Nikola Corp (NKLA) stock?

Nikola Corp (NKLA) stock is trading at $2.58 as of 10:41 AM on Monday, Nov 21, a decline of -$0.16, or -6.02% from the previous closing price of $2.74. The stock has traded between $2.57 and $2.71 so far today.

What is the target price for Nikola stock?

The 2 analysts with 12-month price forecasts for Nikola stock have an average target of 1.50, with a low estimate of 1.00 and a high estimate of 2.00. The average target predicts an increase of 184.74% from the current stock price of 0.53. * Price targets were last updated on Mar 5, 2024.

Is Nikola stock a good stock to buy?

The average analyst rating for Nikola stock from 3 stock analysts is "Hold". This means that analysts believe this stock is likely to perform similarly to the overall market. Historical EPS numbers are GAAP, while forecasted numbers may be non-GAAP. Sources: Price targets and analyst ratings provided by Benzinga.

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